Monday, June 25, 2012

Marvel Mondays! What's new in Marvel Comics Universe.

Avengers vs. X-Men Round 6 - This $@!* just got real!

Did you read AvX Round 6 that came out last week?! The X-Men have taken control of the Phoenix power, after Hope Summers rejected it when it came to her on the moon, five of the X-Men were given the power instead. Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Magik and Colossus also known now as The Phoenix Five. 

So did they bring mass chaos and destroy the world as Captain America and the rest of The Avengers predicted? No, in fact they are working towards ending world hunger, thirst, and attempting to make world peace. Oddly this doesn't sit well with The Avengers. You would think a group of heroes who are constantly fighting to save the planet would welcome other heroes to step in and help save the world. The Avengers and even the President of The United States feel that the X-Men are a danger and far too powerful to continue on in this manner.

So as The Avengers sit around and plot how to destroy the X-Men, one of its founding member but now current Avenger asks the question everyone should be asking, "what are we doing?" How can a group of heroes sit around and plot how to kill another group, doesn't that essentially make them villains? Isn't the course of action they're taking right now the same one Norman Osborn was taking when he was trying to take out The Avengers?

The Avengers end up breaking into Utopia, the X-Men's home, and attempt to take Hope in order to figure out how they can beat the X-Men. They're plan is stopped when Cyclops intervenes and by himself stops all of the Avengers. However the arrival of Scarlett Witch changes everything. Not only does she take Hope and The Avengers away, but when Cyclops attempts to grab her, he feels pain, an odd sensation for someone endowed with cosmic power.

This was a great story with a truly eerie last line when Cyclops says "No More Avengers". There were so many good parts to this, great speeches, interesting plot twists and it is finally starting to really step up to the plate as a amazing summer blockbuster comic event, I can't wait to read more.

Put a comment to the blog and get entered to win a free digital copy of Avengers vs. X-Men round 6. Winner will be chosen by random tomorrow at noon. The more comments the more entries, make them smart, about comics would be great, inappropriate comments will not be counted.

New Amazing Spider-Man clip up on

Head on over to and see the tag line where they're showing the newest clip from Amazing Spider-man. Peter gets a little cocky with high school nemesis Flash Thompson and shows off his new moves on the basketball court. Good stuff. trivia contest

Sticking with Spidey stuff (get it, sticking) head over to to enter their trivia contest to win t-shirts, buttons, magnets and more.

New comics for the week of the 27th

Head over to the Facebook page for Queen City Bookstore to see their image of the books that come out this week.

If you didn't catch it above, I'm going to be giving away my code to get a digital copy of Avengers vs. X-Men #6. Put a comment to the blog and get entered to win a free digital copy of Avengers vs. X-Men round 6. Winner will be chosen by random tomorrow at noon. The more comments the more entries, make them smart, about comics would be great, inappropriate comments will not be counted.

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